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ElevenLabs uses Generate AI to create realistic text to speech for use in videos, games, audiobooks and chatbots.

The ElevenLabs provider allows you to generate assets using the Create API and includes the following services:

  • Text to Speech: Convert text to speech using a choice of voices.


Sign up for a free account with ElevenLabs and then follow the authentication guide in the documentation to create and API key.

Adding credentials

Login to the dashboard and navigate to the integrations page, find the ElevenLabs integration under Generative AI and click configure.

Enter the ElevenLabs API key as shown below. You can add different keys for each Shotstack environment; sandbox and v1 (production).

ElevenLabs credentials


The ElevenLabs provider includes is a single service:

Text to speech

Text to speech converts text to speech using a choice of voices. Provide a string of text and a voice to generate an mp3 audio file. The audio file can be used as a soundtrack for a video or as a standalone asset.

Using the Create API the following payload can be used to generate an audio file:

"provider": "elevenlabs",
"options": {
"type": "text-to-speech",
"text": "The future of media production is here with the help of the Shotstack Create API",
"voice": "Adam"

This will generate an mp3 audio file using the Adam voice and the text provided. For the full list of voices refer to the ElevenLabs options in the API reference documentation.