Text Asset
To add styled text to your videos you can use the Text asset.
This asset makes use of simple, descriptive styling properties giving you complete control over how text within your videos look.
Adding text to your video
The JSON below will create a text asset within your video using the Clear Sans font with font size of 48px, with a white colour.
"timeline": {
"tracks": [
"clips": [
"asset": {
"type": "text",
"text": "Welcome to Shotstack",
"font": {
"family": "Clear Sans",
"size": 48,
"color": "#FFFFFF"
"start": 0,
"length": 5
"output": {
"format": "mp4",
"resolution": "hd"
Additional styling options
In addition to size and color you can set the following properties:
: The relative line height compared to the font sizeweight
: Defines the thickness of characters in a font. They range from 100 to 900 and provide a way to specify the boldness of the text.- Line breaks: You can use the newline character
to add a line break.
"timeline": {
"tracks": [
"clips": [
"asset": {
"type": "text",
"text": "Welcome to \n Shotstack",
"font": {
"family": "Clear Sans",
"size": 48,
"color": "#D35400",
"lineHeight": 2.0,
"weight": 900
"start": 0,
"length": 5
"output": {
"format": "mp4",
"resolution": "hd"
Container dimensions
By default the container size of the text asset is the full width and height of the viewport. You can customise these dimensions to allow for wrapping of text.
"timeline": {
"tracks": [
"clips": [
"asset": {
"type": "text",
"text": "Welcome to Shotstack",
"font": {
"family": "Clear Sans",
"size": 48,
"color": "#FFFFFF"
"width": 300,
"height": 300
"start": 0,
"length": 5
"output": {
"format": "mp4",
"resolution": "hd"
Using custom fonts
The text asset provides default availability to the following fonts:
- Arapey Regular
- Clear Sans
- Didact Gothic
- Montserrat ExtraBold
- Montserrat SemiBold
- OpenSans Bold
- Permanent Marker
- Roboto
- Sue Ellen Francisco
- UniNeue
- WorkSans Light
To use your own fonts, add a link to the OTF
or TTF
font file to the fonts
array in the timeline
, and then reference them in the font
"timeline": {
"fonts": [
"src": "https://shotstack-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/fonts/Cousine.ttf"
"tracks": [
"clips": [
"asset": {
"type": "text",
"text": "Welcome to Shotstack",
"font": {
"family": "Cousine",
"size": 48,
"color": "#FFFFFF"
"start": 0,
"length": 5
"output": {
"format": "mp4",
"resolution": "hd"
For your convenience we have made a number of additional fonts available to reference.
You can change the background color of the text asset by adding the color
property to the background
"timeline": {
"tracks": [
"clips": [
"asset": {
"type": "text",
"text": "Welcome to Shotstack",
"font": {
"family": "Clear Sans",
"size": 48,
"color": "#FFFFFF"
"background": {
"color": "#3498db"
"width": 300,
"height": 300
"start": 0,
"length": 5
"output": {
"format": "mp4",
"resolution": "hd"
You can align your text in two ways; horizontally and vertically.
Horizontal alignment
The horizontal
alignment property is used to align your text on the horizontal axis of the Text asset container,
similar to how you would normally align text in a word processor.
You can horizontally align your text left
, center
and right
"timeline": {
"background": "#FFFFFF",
"tracks": [
"clips": [
"asset": {
"type": "text",
"text": "Welcome to Shotstack",
"font": {
"family": "Clear Sans",
"size": 48,
"color": "#FFFFFF"
"background": {
"color": "#3498db"
"alignment": {
"horizontal": "left"
"width": 300,
"height": 300
"start": 0,
"length": 5
"output": {
"format": "mp4",
"resolution": "hd"
Vertical alignment
The vertical
alignment property is used to align your text on the vertical axis. This is helpful
to align your text to the top or bottom of the container.
You can horizontally align your text top
, center
and bottom
"timeline": {
"background": "#FFFFFF",
"tracks": [
"clips": [
"asset": {
"type": "text",
"text": "Welcome to Shotstack",
"font": {
"family": "Clear Sans",
"size": 48,
"color": "#FFFFFF"
"background": {
"color": "#3498db"
"alignment": {
"vertical": "top"
"width": 300,
"height": 300
"start": 0,
"length": 5
"output": {
"format": "mp4",
"resolution": "hd"