A professionally designed automotive template for your next video project.
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Make Your Holiday Campaign Shine This dynamic Holiday Season Glam Template is perfect for brands looking to stand out during the festive season. With its bold red background, elegant visuals, and customisable elements, you can create promotional videos for holiday sales, product launches, or seasonal greetings in minutes. Simply add your images, text, and logo to get started.
Type | Video |
Resolution | 1080 x 1920 |
Format | MP4 |
Duration | Variable duration |
Frame Rate | 25fps |
Open this template in the Shotstack Studio online video editor and customise it to your needs. Add and edit merge fields and placeholders to customise and automatically generate unique videos.
Use this template in a Shotstack Workflow, our no-code media automation tool, to generate videos automatically using AI to generate assets, and share the video online.
Integrate this template in to your own application or workflow using the Shotstack Video Editing API. Work with the easy to use JSON editing schema or build with our SDKs.